Monday 23 September 2024

Ship yards of York (9): Audit and prep.

I have allocated the Forged in Battle ships, and re-allocated some of the Navwar ones (French 74s will become 80s to bring the number of them up). Each will nominally represent a named ship of one of the three nations: England, France and Spain. The numbers are really pleasing.

Ships organised into fleets, from left to right Spanish, English and French.


4 first rates 100–120 guns

2 second rates 98 guns

1 third rate 80 captured French (HMS Tonnant)

19 third rates 74 guns

4 third rates 64 guns

2 razee frigates

2 frigates

2 merchantmen

4 brigs


2 first rates 120 guns

5 third rates 80 guns (including Tonnant)

14 third rates 74 guns

2 frigates

1 merchantman

2 cutters


1 first rate 130–136 guns (Santisima Trinidad)

2 first rates 112 guns

1 first rate 100 guns

2 third rates 80 guns

9 third rates 74 guns

1 third rate 64 guns

2 frigates

1 merchantman

2 cutters

I will need to re-flag some of the Spanish 74s as French for First of June/Prairial and some of the French first rates and 74s as Spanish for Cape St. Vincent. The Frigates will be swapped around a bit for various of the smaller actions. In the main though, the ships will be 'fixed' to their allocated nation, merely changing name according to the ships in a particular action.


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