I was inspired to do this post by one at the end of last year along similar lines on 'lorenzosenventh's', The Wargaming Erratic blog in which he thanked all of his hobby suppliers.
The post on The Wargaming Erratic blog that inspired this one.
2020 was my biggest year of 'resource gathering' to date. This is one of the largest single purchases of the year, a heap of (chiefly) Hat figures from Tactics. Lots of Napoleonic loveliness!
Like many (most) in our hobby 2020 was one of serious 'resource gathering', i.e. it was my biggest spending year on record! I know that I am not alone as I have spoken or been in email correspondence with people from several of the companies listed below and the common theme was that "...it was like Christmas from February (2020)...". This was, no doubt, marvellous for business, but we need to remember that it was done under difficult circumstances, changing conditions and rules, under the shadow of a pandemic and with a level of exposure of each of them to the risk of infection.
So, following lorenzosenventh's lead, I would like to thank the many people who support my habit... I mean hobby, especially in the past 12 months, or so.
A 'haul' from the Lucky Toy Soldier.
Just one example of a retailer who has kept on keeping on during the pandemic; no mean feat since he is in Italy and I made this order in April 2020. It took over three months to arrive, but did nonetheless. |
Potemkin Russians from Hagen Miniatures.
Another example of a vendor going above and beyond. I knew nothing of this amazing little period of Russian military uniforms until this year. I wondered how I might represent them in 1/72, only to find that Hagen manufacture these beauties. With postage through the roof I thought that I'd be waiting until sometime this year or beyond to get them, but a clever and accommodating idea from Uwe and Andy saw them sent in a combined package.
Thank you to all of the people involved with the companies and businesses below!
Figure manufacturers
Over the past three to four years Strelets have become the premier manufacture of 1/72 scale figures in terms of range, quality and quantity. Throughout 2020 they managed to maintain a prolific rate of output of quality figures (including a completely new range of figures for the War of Spanish Succession).
Hät (Pacific Coast Company)
Hät were the premier manufacturer of 1/72 scale figures (with a smaller range of 28 mm and 1/32). They have 'hiccoughed' a bit lately, following a change of ownership and a move to a new production process based on computer design and production of masters. There are signs that this is beginning to bear fruit with a release of new sets late in the year, and more in the pipeline.
Linear a
A smaller manufacturer of 1/72 plastic figures that has been producing a range of novel, character-filled sets, particularly for early ancients (classical to early imperial Roman). The development and release of new sets seemed to have increased throughout 2020.
Another smaller manufacturer who focusses on figures (1/72 and increasingly 1/32 as well) for periods or ranges not covered by others. This past year I purchased some great additions from them for my increasing interest in 'things Ottoman'.
Yet another manufacturer of 1/72 scale plastic figures who fills some of the many gaps. The focus is on 'doing a range 'completely', so numerous sets are released around a specific campaign or range of troops. Their Russians for 1805–07, released in 2019, are a good example. I purchased some of their figures for my developing Ottoman army this year.
Hagen Miniatures
Manufacturers of specialised, metal figures in a range of scales, including 1/72. I have purchased a few, specific Napoleonic figures from them in the past, but this year picked up the wonderful Potemkin Russians pictured above.
Newline Designs
A good range of 20 mm figures in metal that blend in well with 1/72, as well as other scales that I don't use/collect.
Irregular Miniatures
Manufacturers of a wide range of figures in 'every scale known to man'! I have bought only figures from their 2 mm and 20 mm ranges. Ian always provides fast, efficient and friendly service.
Black Watch Miniatures
A new venture in which Uwe from Hagen has combined with figure sculptor Massimo to produce yet more specialised figures in 1/72 aimed at diorama makers and wargamers.
Hinds Figures (Hinchliffe)
Not figures that I purchase often, but I have sought a few Hinchliffe figures, particularly the original molds/scale and Ian provides excellent service.
The best known, best and much loved miniatures store in Perth. My main hobby supplier. The shop is literally bursting at the seams with stock but they are still always happy to get in special orders. Even pre-Covid-19 I was increasingly buying from them via email requests and posted packages.
Military Hobbies
Base in Adelaide, Andrew is my 'go to' vendor for Strelets figures. It's great to deal directly with him. He sells a wide range of figures, many of them rare and second hand types, through his two shops (Military Hobbies and The Toy Soldier Experience).
Drum and Flag
Rupert from Drum and Flag is friendly, efficient and helpful. He has a great range of new and second hand products to boot. Little wonder that he is one of the most respected vendors in the hobby (from the many positive comments that I see about him).
Transport Models & Kit Lady
I came late to Mark and Liz's shop when I was directed to them by Armies in Plastic. Based in Preston, England I dealt with them entirely via their excellent online store and email. Unfortunately (for us) they retired last year, although both of them have an eBay store in which they are selling their remaining stock.
'Cronwallis' (eBay seller)
While an eBay seller, Bruce gets a special mention as I have purchased from him several times. He has an excellent range of sets of 1/72 figures at reasonable prices, many of which are no longer available from retailers. He is situated in Adelaide, so postage is reasonable and simple, which is a bonus.
Ace Radio Controlled Models
local hobby shop in Perth (Midland). As the name states, they mainly
stock radio controlled models but do have some plastic kits and figures,
including quite a range of Pegasus and Emhar.
The Luck Toy Soldier
Fausto's online store based in Italy stocks new and rare plastic figures.
Bold Frontiers
Australian vendor of Armies in Plastic. Friendly and helpful, but do not carry the range that Transport Models did.
Various vendors that I have purchased from infrequently, including last year
Hearn Hobbies
Metro Hobbies
Wargame Vault
Various eBay sellers
Australia Games
Book and magazine publishers
Pen & Sword
The largest publisher of military books in English with a huge 'back catalogue' (including books of imprints such as Frontline and Greenhill) but also prolific new releases.
Helion Company
A publisher of titles that tend to be for less-written-about periods/aspects of periods. I purchased a couple of titles in their 'Century of the Soldier' series this last year, which are excellent publications.
Éditions Heimdal
A publisher whose books have featured on this blog quite a lot this year—'cause I love them!
Le Livre Chez Vous
Previously I have purchased back issues of their magazines and also books, simply via the website, but restrictions on postage has seen that suspended temporarily. I wanted to get some more back issues of Gloire & Empire related to the Italian and Egyptian campaigns. It took a few emails to organise, but the staff were really helpful and accommodating of an out of the ordinary request from the antipodes.
Karwansaray Publishers
I am particularly keen on Ancient Warfare magazine, which I buy direct from them on an occasional basis. They continued to publish last year and I picked up two issues of this quality magazine.
Baccus 6 mm
Chiefly a figure manufacturer, but I do not wargame in 6 mm. I have, however, purchased several of their Polemos rules in the past. This year I picked up Polemos SPQR (as a pdf) after reading several reviews and playtests on blogs.
Book vendors
Naval & Military Press
A fabulous supplier of discounted books who regularly has super specials. The books are keenly priced, even with postage from the UK.
Librairie Le Vieux Livre
A vendor from France with a fine catalogue of second hand books, chiefly in French. I only 'discovered' him this year.
Forties Factory
A vendor from France that stocks several military titles, chiefly from French publishers, amongst other militaria and bric a brac.
A large, online warehouse that is an excellent source of many hobby-related books. A great thing for us is that the postage is 'free' (i.e. included in the listed price), so one knows the total price.
Various vendors through AbeBooks
World of Books
Book Depository International
Thrift Books
Irish Booksellers
Salsus Books
La Boisserie
France Champagne
Cadeby Books
A bit 'off topic' but I also want to mention two categories of constant interest and stimulating content related to my hobby.
Little Wars TV
The fellows at the self-styled 'greatest wargames club in the world' produce some excellent, professional content. I suspect that they were originally aiming this at fellow wargamers, but they have now expanded to more of a promotion of the hobby (while still being of great interest to fellow wargamers).
I strongly recommend that you support them with a few dollars via patreon.
All Bloggers
I have a long list of blogs that I follow. Most feature on this blog, all of them are listed on my Solo Slow Wargaming blog.
Thanks to you all for your interesting, stimulating, often thought-provoking and or humorous content.
In ending I can do no better than to quote 'lorenzoseventh':
So thanks to them all for allowing me to pursue my hobby even in the midst of a global pandemic.