Sunday, 5 May 2019

Remembering le mort de Napoleon 198 with free e-books

Sunday, 5th May marks 198 years since the death of the Great Man at Longwood, Saint Helena after a short illness^.

Mort de Napoléon Ier à Sainte-Hélène, le 5 mai 1821 par Charles de Steuben (Wikimedia Commons).

To mark this event, Pen & Sword are offering free e-books of four of their titles. Here's the note that I received from the publisher with a request to 'spread the word':

This Sunday marks the anniversary of Napoleon's death, to coincide with this anniversary Pen and Sword will be giving away four eBooks for free from Amazon. I wondered if you would be able to share this with your readers, if you are doing a post around this anniversary. It’s not often we give away eBooks for free, so I am keen to spread the word as far as possible! Here’s the four eBooks that will be free on the day and the Amazon link to download the titles. 1815: The Waterloo Campaign Vol I: 
 In Napoleon’s Shadow: Letters from the Battle of Waterloo: With Eagles to Glory (will be uploaded to Amazon shortly):

This is for Sunday (GMT) Only, so act now!

^The compelling theory of poisoning has largely been refuted, although, of course, it can never entirely be 'put to bed'. For those interested, here's a list of some of the key publications around the matter, in chronological order:

Smith, H., Forshufvud, S., & Wassen, A. (1962). Distribution of Arsenic in Napoleon'S Hair. Nature, 194(4830), 725–726. 
Lewin, P. K., Hancock, R. G. V., & Voynovich, P. (1982). Napoleon Bonaparte—no evidence of chronic arsenic poisoning. Nature, 299(5884), 627–628. 
Weider, B and Hapgood, D (1982) The Murder of Napoleon. Congdon and Lattès, Inc., New York, 266 pp. 
Weider, B and Forshufvud, S (1995) Assassination at St. Helena Revisited. John Wiley & Sons Inc, 555 pp. 
Corso, P. F., & Hindmarsh, T. (1996). Further scientific evidence of the non-poisonous death of Napoleon. Science Progress, 79 ( Pt 2), 89–96.
Hindmarsh, J. T., & Corso, P. F. (1998). The death of Napoleon Bonaparte: a critical review of the cause. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, 53(3), 201–218. 
Pascal Kintz, Jean-Pierre Goull, Paul Fornes,and Bertrand Ludes (2002) A New Series of Hair Analyses from Napoleon Confirms Chronic Exposure to Arsenic. Letter to the Editor Journal of Analytical Toxicology,Vol. 26, November/December2002. 
I. Ricordel, S. Pirnay, A. Maréchal, P. Chevallier, G. Meyer, N. Milan, J; Plesse (2004) Arsenic in Napoleon's Hair: Is external contamination a possible source?. Conference: Poster P45 Session B Post mortem toxicology, At Washinton USA, Volume: aFBI TIAFT. Available from: 
Lin, X., Alber, D., & Henkelmann, R. (2004). Elemental contents in Napoleon's hair cut before and after his death: did Napoleon die of arsenic poisoning? Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 379(2), 218–220. 
Mari, F., Bertol, E., Fineschi, V., & Karch, S. B. (2004). Channelling the Emperor: what really killed Napoleon? Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 97(8), 397–399. 
Lugli, A., Zlobec, I., Singer, G., Lugli, A. K., Terracciano, L. M., & Genta, R. M. (2007). Napoleon Bonaparte's gastric cancer: a clinicopathologic approach to staging, pathogenesis, and etiology. Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 4(1), 52–57.
Kintz, P., Ginet, M., Marques, N., & Cirimele, V. (2007). Arsenic speciation of two specimens of Napoleon's hair. Forensic Science International, 170(2-3), 204–206.
J. Thomas Hindmarsh and John Savory (2008) The Death of Napoleon, Cancer or Arsenic? Clinical Chemistry 54:12 2092–2093.
Lugli A, Clemenza M, Corso PE, di Costanzo J, Dirnhofer R, Fiorini E, Herborg C, Hindmarsh JT, Orvini E, Piazzoli A, Previtali E, Santagostino A, Sonnenberg A, Genta RM. (2011). The medical mystery of Napoleon Bonaparte: an interdisciplinary expose. Advances in Anatomic Pathology, 18(2), 152–158.

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